Disarming Heart Pendants - Southern Style

Disarming Heart Pendants - Southern Style


This heart gives you the opportunity and courage to preach the good news of peace. Folks are sure to ask you about this hand made heart that is big enough to get noticed but small enough to arouse curiosity. And when they ask, you can tell them about how this heart came from a transformed recoil spring out of an AR15, or maybe it was made from the spring inside a semi-automatic shotgun. Either way, it’s a chance to let people know your heart is big enough to work for a more peaceful world by helping repurpose unwanted guns into tools and art.

Some of these have twists in both arms, some have only one twisted arm, some are not twisted at all; just like us we all come to this way and place of loving from divergent paths. We don’t use a jig because we want them all to be a little different, just like you.  

We typically start by straightening a spring and cutting it into about 4” sections then shape it up. Some are tall, some are short and squatty, some are symmetrical, some are lopsided and expressive. Come see us at a live event and pick the one that speaks to your condition or order it online and see what the universe sends your way.

10 in stock

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