Pistol Barrel Split Cross

Pistol Barrel Split Cross


Wearing a cross made from a gun barrel feels to be on the mark to us. A barrel, from a destroyed handgun, is cut from opposite ends on a perpendicular axis then the barrel is pulled inside out.  Cross pendants date back to around the 2nd century when Christians began using them as an outward sign of their faith. Originally simple wooden crosses evolved to include all manner of styles and materials including ones of precious metals and gems.  But it’s helpful to remember that the Roman Empire constructed crosses as a form of intimidation, torture and execution. The United States has constructed the premier arms production empire; its products have been used in much the same way as the Roman crosses.  This pistol barrel cross pendant is a particularly relevant and potent symbol, in our time, that there are things worth dying for but nothing worth killing another.

Riffing on a blacksmith classic, these pistol barrel split crosses are all unique. They vary in size and weight but are usually a fair bit larger and heavier than the light Brass split crosses. These range in size from the smaller Greek crosses which are generally in the neighborhood of 2ish inches (These have equal arms, like a plus sign).  The Latin crosses tend to be larger and tend to be between 3”-6”. The largest ones are favorites of our minister friends who like to wear a noticeable cross when preaching, making rounds as a chaplain, or doing other ministerial callings.  That said, some of these come from small pistols and can be only a little bigger than the brass Split cross.

Some of these crosses include part of the frame of the revolver they were cut from, which serves to look like a base. The base or long leg of the cross is stamped with an olive branch when we can find a good spot for that. Parts of each cross is sanded and polished up to a mirror finish while other parts are left darker. Much of our work incorporates contrasting light and dark finishes. We all have God’s inner light, and light inevitably casts shadows.

The Cross means a lot of different things to a wide range of people. Maybe your Biblical hermeneutic leads you to an Objective theory of the Crucifixion. Or you could find yourself holding an atonement theory in the Subjective realm. Or maybe you're a fan of Tillich and others who say YES, to Objective and Subjective mashup theories. Whatever way your theology rolls, our work strives to be a reflection and reminder of the Really Real. Our hope is that this pistol barrel cross can be a weighty reminder to love God and our neighbors with all our heart, mind and soul. 

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